Wednesday 4 February 2009

A week in the life ...

By Ann Jansz
Chief Executive of Stevenage CVS

Task of the day – kill some of the emails in my inbox. Most of the outside world’s demands for CVS’s (or Ann Jansz’s) input come in this way and I have far too many old messages festering in my inbox labelled ‘pending’. Clearing out these reminds me of some uncompleted tasks – a query about pensions from one organisation and a request for sources of first aid training from another.

Today I have a phone call booked for an Audit Commission consultation on partnerships – the phone rings promptly at 10am and I am taken through some pre-set questions about the two local strategic partnerships I attend – Hertfordshire Forward and SoStevenage. While I think our Borough partnership is pretty well-represented by the voluntary sector, I am conscious that I am the only VCS person on Herts Forward and so I confess the loneliness of the solitary rep in what turns out to be an hour’s feedback. I have a hot ear.

I know what date it is as my sister gave me a calendar for my office wall. It is a food calendar with photos of fair-trade food. I notice that the pear depicted for January is fairly suggestive – but not as erotic as the chillies depicted for March. Will my chairman notice when he comes for a planning meeting to set out our Strategic Plan for CVS?

We spend an hour going through our objectives for strengthening Stevenage CVS, working more closely in collaboration with local CVS in Herts (he is leading a new Chairs Network) and developing new social enterprise streams.

My trustee board is about to start some research visits to other CVS to pick their brains on successful expansion and project ideas, so I am lining up some potential hosts for study visits. My Board can be let out on their own now and I’m looking forward to hearing their stories when they report back.

I meet with colleagues and discuss some issues with VCS representation. We have planned an event for VCS colleagues working with children and young people, but booking is slow. We have to rethink as too few have signed up to come. We will run a smaller scoping meeting instead.

In my more negative moments I think, ‘why does the VCS complain that no one listens when they won’t engage?’ Then I realise we need to be more clever about offering different ways to engage.

But I am worried by the silence out there. What are you all doing? Looking for funding in these desperate times? Too busy with the day job? Not sure what value engagement brings if it doesn’t bring money? I’d love to hear from you out there – some constructive thoughts please, not just complaints about lack of funds. We all share those. I am now quoting Star Trek to statutory colleagues and funders – “We’re diverting all power to life support”.

I finish more drafting of the Strategic Plan, chat to a colleague about the minutes she’s preparing from our previous Board meeting, and prepare for a meeting with my Chairman – this time we are working with my colleague Laura Cronshaw from St Albans CVS to develop a Herts CVS Chairs network.

This week has been typical – a balance between external demands and internal necessities.

A final tip from a friend on that overflowing inbox – if you haven’t answered an email in a week, delete it, it’s not important to you. If your answer is essential the sender will resend!