Monday 20 July 2009

ICT and a thriving Third Sector

By Richard Ross-Langley
ICT Development Manager
Hertfordshire Infrastructure Consortium (HIC)

In my previous life as a computer consultant, my job was to make money for shareholders using computer software, networks and the Internet. Since March 2009, there has been a welcome change of emphasis: to help people use technology to help people.

My project is funded through Capacitybuilders to work with 20 voluntary and community organisations per year in Hertfordshire, to develop a 'sustainable and strategic' approach to information and communications technology (ICT).

It sounds boring and geeky, but behind the project is the Government's wholehearted conversion to paperless administration to save money - although I do worry about the trees used up in pursuing that goal! If non-profit groups can achieve cost savings while relieving the social fallout of government policies, everybody wins.

However the workers at the sharp end are usually far too busy to think about ways to achieve more in less time, and if there is any time left over from crisis management, they don't have the energy to go back to basics and plan a long-term strategy.

That's where I come in.

Any one of the five thousand or so Hertfordshire frontline organisations can apply to my project (see and two or three per month are chosen for my attention.

A day or two is spent with each selected organisation finding out its aims, what is happening now and what is planned for the future. An ICT Health Check is also carried out, and solutions to short-term problems are suggested. You know what I mean: my PC is too slow, I can't get access from home, the phone bill is too high etc.

A strategy is mapped out, discussed and agreed to make the best use of available technology in a sustainable way. Then ongoing advice and support is provided in fixing problems, removing obstacles, finding funding advice and getting external ICT support where necessary.

Finally the progress from beginning to end (excluding any confidential or sensitive information) is published for the benefit of other organisations in Hertfordshire.

The project is certainly contributing to the ‘environment for a thriving third sector’ and we hope that the ultimate result will be to make Hertfordshire a better place to live and work, for you and your clients.

Applications are made on a form available through the website (print and post, or fill it in online) where you will find more details. Or contact me directly - details below.


Mobile: 07552 178113
