Monday 27 April 2009

Funding Advice in Stevenage

By John Pye
Funding Advisor,
Stevenage Borough Council

I am the External Funding Officer for Stevenage Borough Council. I identify and apply for funding to support Council projects. I do a lot of work with voluntary and community sector organisations in Stevenage helping them identify and apply for funding. Working with Voluntary and community groups requires a different approach as a lot of them come with an idea which they need help working up into a project. I end up doing a lot more development work with them identifying partners, strengthening the project idea, costings etc. If they are a newly formed organisation, they usually require help with governance and structure, at which point I refer them to Stevenage CVS for assistance. On a reciprocal basis, Stevenage CVS refer voluntary organisations requiring funding advice and support to me. In recent weeks, I have supported a number of organisations with applications for the Grassroots Fund.

In 2008-9, I advised 74 groups on 107 projects, submitted 33 funding applications. 7 were unsuccessful, 12 were successful, 12 are still pending and 2 are stage 1 passes being worked into full applications. In total, I brought in £1.99 million (including SBC projects).

Composite week – it’s all true. This is a selection.


A really bad start to the week – a complaint. An applicant to a trust whose grants panel I sit on, complained that I hadn’t helped them with their application. As they hadn’t told me they were applying or asked for my help, I was somewhat baffled, (Note to self, go out and buy crystal ball or take up mind reading!!). Had a meeting with a young people’s theatre group who want funding to run more workshops. When I asked what type of organisation they were, they weren’t sure. We discussed Awards for All and Grassroots Grants and they went off to find their governing document. I visited a Primary School who would like to develop a project to get more parents into the school and develop a book club for parents and children. Suggested the PTA (which is a separately constituted body) make the application on their behalf.


Went to a Helper Agency briefing run by the Lottery Distributors to explain the changes that the closure of Awards for All would mean for their programmes. Very informative. Met a number of colleagues from across the region that I hadn’t seen for a while. It was good to catch up.


Met with a local organisation that wants to make an application to the Stevenage LAA1 Performance Reward Grant (PRG) to continue an existing young people’s project in Stevenage. I explained that the PRG was looking for additionality, that little “extra”. After discussing the project, I made some phone calls to a couple of other organisations and came up with a partnership project which will provide a programme of interventions for several cohorts of young people over two years. All we have to do is write it! I have arranged several meetings with them over the next few weeks. Had my bluff well and truly called! Met with a voluntary group to discuss a Grassroots Grants project. They couldn’t agree when to meet up and write it. “Let’s do it now” said I. Two and a half hours later it’s done, signed and awaiting the supporting documents – not bad!


Met with a recently formed self-help organisation referred by Stevenage CVS. We discussed their aspirations and ambitions and I suggested that they go back to CVS and agree on the best structure for the organisation. Then went to a grants awards ceremony held by the Stevenage Community Trust, where all the recipients had their photograph taken with the Mayor of Stevenage.


Met with a Social Enterprise/ Registered Charity who want to make an application to EEDA for the next round of European Social Fund (ESF) funding. Mapped out an outline of a project and suggested a number of partners and geographic areas to look at. Have arranged further meetings to write the application.

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